Title: Hyperbolic Actions of Higher Rank Abelian Groups

Speaker: Ralf Spatzier

30 September, 2020 13:30 UTC

Abstract: We study transitive $\mathbb{R} ^k \times \mathbb{Z}^\ell$ actions on arbitrary compact manifolds with a projectively dense set of Anosov elements and $1$-dimensional coarse Lyapunov foliations. Such actions are called totally Cartan actions. We completely classify such actions as built from low-dimensional Anosov flows and diffeomorphisms and affine actions, verifying the Katok-Spatzier conjecture for this class. This is achieved by introducing a new tool, the action of a dynamically defined topological group describing paths in coarse Lyapunov foliations, and understanding its generators and relations. We obtain applications to the Zimmer program. This talk is based on joint work with Kurt Vinhage. 


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